More businesses are realizing the power of social media


By Elisha McMahon

More businesses are realizing the power of social media. Until recently there was no data on this matter but a new study from the UB School of Management now links positive business trends and social media use.
What companies want most is to make themselves appealing to the market. Being able to have human interactions on the internet can positively impact customer image and profits. Think about it this way: You are in a store shopping for a blender. You go online to twitter and type in a hashtag with the blender name. Instantly you are connected to the blenders mother brand twitter handle, the last tweets with that blenders name, and simultaneously customer reviews and company feedback. All from #blender.
Customers who used social media were more likely to shop products from unique and top selling store categories. There is no denying that real time response and interaction on twitter can provide quick resolve with mainline connectivity to the consumer. Did you want to know how that new blender really preforms? Ask the person who just tweeted about it 15m ago!
The marketplace is competitive. Take the time to get connected in the social media game, humanize your business and reach the people you want to connect with directly. Remember that even if you are not interacting with them, they are interacting with each other!
I for one find it pretty cool to find all that information just from searching social media sites. When I am out dining, I will check in on the restaurants facebook page now for hidden information like coupons and customer feedback. Most times there are rewards there for liking the page. Yay we’re facebook friends! Now come like our page too

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